This is a series of podcasts discussing the Claremont Decision.
NH Claremont Decision Podcast Episode 1 with Attorney Greg Sorg
Attorney Greg Sorg is a former NH State Representative who has successfully filed briefs with the Supreme Court arguing against continuing involvement of the court in legislative functions, He lays out the history and key points of the argument in this first of several podcasts.
NH Claremont Decision Podcast Episode 2 with NH Senate Counsel Rick Lehmann
Paul Ingbretson continues the Claremont Decision discussion with Senate Counsel, Attorney Rick Lehmann, who also practices law in New Hampshire. He’s been involve with the Court filing amicus briefs on behalf of the Senate. ln this podcast Rick lays out some of the separation of powers issues resulting from those decisions.
NH Claremont Decision Episode 3 with Attorneys Greg Sorg and Rick Lehmann
Paul Ingbretson continues the Claremont Decision discussions with a public Q&A featuring presenters, Attorney Greg Sorg and Senate Counsel, Attorney Rick Lehmann. Queries and points were brought by a number of NH State Representatives and other members of the public.