HRA Holds Training Session on Workplace Behavior
On Tuesday January 15, 2019 the House Republican Alliance held a training session on workplace behavior, with the Honorable Representative Jess Edwards as instructor, to 31 Republican members of the New Hampshire House. The presentation by Representative Edwards gave...
HRA Releases 2017 Scorecard
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 The New Hampshire House Republican Alliance (NH HRA) is pleased to release the legislative scores for 2017. The House Republican Alliance, the longest-running and largest conservative caucus in the NH House of Representatives, rates legislation...
HRA Co-Chairs Comment on State Budget As Amended by House Finance Committee
Monday, April 3, 2017 Concord – Last week, the NH House Finance Committee voted on an amendment to the Governor’s budget bills, HB1 and HB2. The full House will vote on the budget later this week. “The committee did a great deal of work and made a step in the right...
HRA Congratulates the NH Senate for Passage of Worker Freedom Bill
Thursday, January 19, 2017 For more information, contact Rep. James Spillane at James@JamesSpillane.org Rep. Glenn Cordelli at Glenn.Cordelli@leg.state.nh.us Rep. Laurie Sanborn at RepSanborn@gmail.com Concord - Today, the NH Senate passed SB11, otherwise known as...
HRA Announces 3 New Co-Chairs for 2017-2018 Session
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 The House Republican Alliance (HRA) Announces the Election of 3 New Co-Chairs for the 2017-2018 Session in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Rep. Laurie Sanborn will be entering her fourth term in the legislature and her first...
House Republican Majority Comments on Rules Committee Meeting
Thursday, December 18, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact: Stephan Stepanek 603.801.9496 sbs2093@gmail.com House Republican Majority comments on Rules Committee meeting Today during the House Rules committee meeting, the Speaker, elected by a majority of the...